Adopt a Hydrant Program
Whenever a significant snow event strikes, residents are reminded to
Remember This!
We are asking you to team up with your Fire Department and “Adopt a Hydrant!” Locate the nearest fire hydrant to your home and help us keep it clear of snow and obstructions!! Make it a Family Activity, Service Project or just plain old-fashioned Good Deed!
In the event of fire, precious seconds could be lost searching for and digging out these hydrants!
When shoveling your driveway, spend a few extra minutes and take the time to
KEEP YOUR FIRE HYDRANT CLEAR! Three feet around the hydrant will do the trick!
Piled Snow, & Parked Cars delay the ability of your Fire Department to fight fires. This can lead to increased fire loss, property damage, even the loss of life!
Help Us, Help Your Neighbors, Help Yourself, Adopt a Hydrant today!
Questions? Call the Winslow Township Fire Department at 609-561-4225
or e-mail firedistrict@winslowtwpfd.org for more information!