ICE In Your Mobile Phone
Follow these hints to get the best out of ICE:
My phone doesn’t show the callers name any more
This will be because your ICE contact number is a duplicate entry of another contact in your phone book. If you have two numbers the same, your phone won’t know which one to display so it will show just the number. To get round this, simply type a * after the number under your ICE contact. It will still work and will cure the caller-ID problem.
- Make sure the person whose name and number you are giving has agreed to be your ICE partner
- Make sure your ICE partner has a list of people they should contact on your behalf – including your place of work
- Make sure your ICE person’s number is one that’s easy to contact, for example a home number could be useless in an emergency if the person works full time
- Make sure your ICE partner knows about any medical conditions that could affect your emergency treatment – for example allergies or current medication
- Make sure if you are under 18, your ICE partner is a parent or guardian authorised to make decision on your behalf – for example if you need a life or death operation. Should your preferred contact be deaf, then type ICETEXT then the name of your contact before saving the number.